The International Adventure Racing Association (IARA) is hosting its first Annual General Meeting next week. It will take place on Wednesday, 22 January 2025 at 19h30 GMT on Zoom.
IARA has made it through their first formative year and this AGM is an opportunity for the Interim Committee to report back on the organisation’s activities from the year, and to elect a new committee for the next two years.
The committee’s approach to building this association has been to do so with innovation and creativity, befitting the sport that it represents.
Mirroring their sport, IARA has taken an adventure racing approach to creating their structure. There are four officer positions – like an adventure racing team – with Chairperson, General Secretary, Treasurer and Media. These positions have specific tasks and they may also coordinate/lead/assist Working Groups.
IARA has two General positions. This pair is responsible for the Membership Working Group as well as project-specific Working Groups that will be formed to accomplish tasks that have defined timelines.
“There will be ample opportunities during 2025 for adventure racers to contribute to specific projects on Working Groups,” says Cormac Mac Donnell, IARA’s interim chairperson through the organisation’s first year.
“This enables us to be more productive and dynamic in spreading out tasks to accommodate for the availability of volunteers – between work, life and racing – and to benefit from their expertise with only a short-term commitment.”
Representatives from all adventure racing countries as well as any interested individuals, like racers, race directors and adventure racing enthusiasts, are very welcome to attend the AGM, but only Full Member countries are eligible to vote.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 8310 6961
Passcode: 567909
AGM 2025 page on the IARA website