
Este es un podcast sobre el deporte Carreras de Aventura (Adventure Racing).
Informacion, comunicacion y comunidad de corredores

This is a podcast about the sport of Adventure Racing.
Information, news, community and races.

Spotify: spotify.com (in Spanish)

AR on AR

In this series of videos built up over a number of years, Adam Rose covers many elements of Adventure Racing.

From training to gear, and packing your race crate to caring for your feet and planning sleep strategy, Adam’s videos are a valuable resource, especially for those new to the sport.

YouTube: youtube.com/@ARonAR

The Bend Racing Podcast

In 2023, Team Bend Racing’s Jason Magness started The Bend Racing Podcast.

Content varies from interviews with a range of guests to insights into the sport of Adventure Racing, commentary around events, opinions and contemplative thoughts.

Jason describes this podcast as: “Adventure, humor, lots of hallucinations and plenty of failures as we explore what it is like when you step over the edge in all sorts of ways. Join a crew of eclectic endurance athletes, acrobats, yogis, parents and friends led by the eponymous Epic Machine as we tell stories, make plans, and try to survive through it all.”

Spotify: The Bend Racing Podcast

The Dark Zone: An Adventure Racing Podcast

For the times when you can’t be out there, Brian Gatens has you covered.

In adventure racing lingo, a dark zone is a time, due to darkness or safety, when teams are paused on the course before continuing with the race. During that time stories are exchanged, friendships are kindled, spirits are restored, and teams have a chance to prepare for the next challenge.

The Dark Zone Podcast exists to:

  • Support the newer racers by giving them access to the sport’s most experienced voices in the sport
  • Help to add to the oral history of the sport through conversation and story telling
  • Provide an opportunity for race directors and organizations to share their event with the world

Website: ardarkzone.com

TA1 Adventure Race World Podcast

With over 320 episodes since the podcast started in January 2014, Randy Erickson’s TA1 podcast is a treasure trove.

Randy’s conversations cover racers, event directors, volunteers, sponsors, and anybody of interest in the world of AR. He spends an hour talking with them about racing, training, music, and gear, going anywhere the conversation leads. Most of the podcasts are about adventure racing, but are also shows on other ultra sports like Rogaining and trail running.

Podomatic: podomatic.com/podcasts/adventureraceworld

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