International Adventure Racing Association announces its first validated members

MEDIA RELEASE The core of every organisation is its members. It is with pride that the International Adventure Racing Association (IARA) announces their first validated members. The Full Members with voting rights include the national Adventure Racing organisations of Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Paraguay, Spain and Uruguay. Non-voting Associate Members include Durty Events and Adventure Racing World Series.

IARA formed at the end of 2023 with the support of the national adventure racing organisations and representatives from active adventure racing countries.

After spending the early months of this year creating and testing their Membership Statutes, IARA began its membership validation process in August by meeting with representatives from each national adventure racing organisation to learn about their organisation, structure and adventure racing community. The response from adventure racing countries around the world has been excellent and supportive. 

The first national adventure racing organisations that have been approved through the validation process include:

Confederação Brasileira de Corrida de Aventura (CBCABrazil), Czech Adventure Outdoor Extreme Sports Association (CAESCzech Republic), Danish Adventure Race Union (DARU, Denmark), Adventure Racing Ireland (Ireland), Adventure Race Bond Nederland (ARBN, Netherlands), Club de Corredores de Aventura del Paraguay (Paraguay), Federación Española de Orientación (FEDO, Spain), and Asociación Uruguaya de Corredores de Aventura (AUCA, Uruguay).

Associate members are those companies or organisations actively involved in the sport of adventure racing and especially in developing the sport. Durty Events in the United Kingdom and Adventure Racing World Series, the coordinator of a global adventure racing event series, are IARA’s first Associate Members.

IARA extends a warm welcome to its first Full and Associate Members, all of which have excellent national structures and programmes in place to promote and develop the sport of adventure racing. Applications from numerous other countries and organisations are in the validation process.

“Our Membership Working Group has done an incredible job in developing our statutes and application process as well as interviewing representatives from national adventure racing organisations and associated organisations,” says Cormac MacDonnell, chairperson of IARA. 

“We are very proud to announce this first group of validated members and look forward to introducing you to these, and those that follow over the coming weeks, through IARA’s social media platforms.”

“IARA is an organisation that has been created by the global adventure racing community to be its International representative body. The response to establishing the new association has been extremely positive so far with many countries engaging well with IARA. All adventure racing countries and adventure racing organisations are encouraged to consider joining and helping to build this new association to be a strong voice for the sport,” MacDonnell adds.


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International Adventure Racing Association (IARA)

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