IARA Annual General Meeting (AGM): 22 January 2025

The first Annual General Meeting of the International Adventure Racing Association (IARA) took place on Wednesday, 22 January 2025 at 19h30 GMT on Zoom. It was attended by 44 representatives from 19 countries.

In this meeting, the committee provided feedback on their tasks and accomplishments in 2024, with a look forward in 2025. IARA Full Members elected the new committee.

Representatives from all adventure racing countries as well as any interested individuals, like racers, race directors and adventure racing enthusiasts, were invited to attend the AGM, but only Full Members were eligible to vote.

While the Steering Committee will comprise six representatives, there will be ample opportunities for member nominees and adventure racers to contribute to specific projects on Working Groups. These Working Groups will be created by Committee members for defined projects and the Committee will reach out to the adventure racing countries to request the assistance of volunteers from our community with skills, interests or experience related to the project, which will be active for a fixed period of time. This enables us to be more productive and dynamic in spreading out tasks to accommodate for the availability of volunteers – between work, life and racing – and to benefit from your expertise with only a short-term commitment.

Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes including officer reports DOWNLOAD PFD

Zoom recording

The meeting was recorded on Zoom and it can be viewed on our YouTube channel @internationaladventureracing (Duration: 46 minutes)


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