IARA announces first AGM

With our first AGM coming up on 22 January 2025, we have invited adventure racing countries to attend.

From the letter that we sent to them:

We have made it through our first formative year and we are pleased to invite you to
attend the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the International Adventure Racing

It will take place on Wednesday, 22 January 2025 at 19h30 GMT on Zoom.
The main functions of an AGM are to report back on the organisation’s activities from
the year and to elect a new committee for the next two years.

You will notice that we only call for six committee positions. We have taken an
adventure racing approach to this structure. There are four officer positions – like an
adventure racing team – with Chairperson, General Secretary, Treasurer and Media.
These positions have specific tasks and they may also coordinate/lead/assist working

We then have two General positions. This pair is responsible for the Membership
Working Group as well as project-specific working groups that will be formed to
accomplish tasks that have fixed timelines.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone from your organisation /
community, please submit details using the Nomination Form.

While the Steering Committee will comprise six representatives, there will be ample
opportunities for member nominees and adventure racers to contribute to specific
projects on Working Groups. They will be created by Committee members for defined
projects and the Committee will reach out to the adventure racing countries to
request the assistance of volunteers from our community with skills, interests or
experience related to the project, which will be active for a fixed period of time. This
enables us to be more productive and dynamic in spreading out tasks to
accommodate for the availability of volunteers – between work, life and racing – and to
benefit from your expertise with only a short-term commitment.

To prepare for the AGM, we circulated several documents:

  • AGM Invitation: we announce the AGM and explain about our structure of
    committee positions and working groups in a document that you can circulate to
    your committee and community.
  • IARA Constitution: we have learned a lot this year and from this we have
    simplified the Constitution.
  • Responsibilities of Committee Members: this document outlines the roles and
    tasks of each committee member.

Forms circulated to countries include:

  1. Nomination Form: This is your opportunity to nominate yourself or others for
    committee positions. You can fill-in the form more than once if you would like to
    nominate more than one person.
  2. Priorities Form: During this year, we have had many ideas for projects that will
    serve and benefit the adventure racing community. We would like to know from
    you which three priority projects you think IARA should focus on in 2025?

Representatives from all adventure racing countries as well as any interested
individuals, like racers, race directors and adventure racing enthusiasts, are very
welcome to attend the AGM, but only Full Members are eligible to vote.


  • 12/13 December 2024: Notice of AGM circulated to adventure racing countries.
  • Tuesday, 7 January 2025, 18h00 GMT: Nomination Forms must be submitted by 18h00 GMT
  • Tuesday, 14 January 2025: We will circulate the following to Full Members for their consideration ahead of the AGM.
  1. Agenda for meeting
  2. Nomination Motivations
  3. Draft Budget 2025
  4. Membership Statutes
  • Monday, 20 January 2025, 12h00 GMT: Proxy votes to be received from countries unable to attend the AGM.
  • Wed, 22 January 2025, 19h30 GMT: 1st IARA Annual General Meeting

We look forward to seeing you in January 2025.

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